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东莞市中堂华良文件柜厂 |
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看了以下信息,如有疑问请来电咨询。 400-622-4447 13929415208 13922517058或登录华良厂网站:ghl168.com
华良家具廠創建于一九九八年,位于中國工業名鎮——廣東省東莞市中堂鎮。华良家具廠是一家集專業設計、生產加工、銷售于一體的現代化鋼制家具廠家。经過多年的不斷探索創新,產品精益求精,現已發展成一家規模較大的鋼制品企業。擁有一批優秀的專業設計人員和技術員。本產所生產的鋼制產品,以新穎的款式、精致的手工.優質的售後服務得到業內人士及客戶的一致好評。我們一貫秉承“開拓創新,質量好的,招欧⻊铡钡慕洜I方針,為客戶提供優質服務. 歡迎來電、來樣洽談訂做。 Located in a famous industrial town Houjie of Guangdong province, Hualiang Archives Cabinet furniture factory was founded in 1998. As a modern specialized manufacturer of steel furniture, our factory combines professional designing, producing, processing, and marketing. With years of instant exploration and innovation, our products are in constant improvement. She now has grown into a steel products enterprise of large size.Thanks to a group of excellent designers and technicians, the steel products we produce have been receiving consistent favorable comments from our customers and people in the line for our novel design, exquisite workmanship and excellent after-sales service.Persist on the business policy of innovating, high quality, and sincere service, we are always ready to provide our customers with quality service. Welcome to call us to discuss either purchasing or manufacturing products according to your sampl 我們不斷努力,追求卓越 我們渴望超越,我們喜歡領跑的感覺 為此,我們一直不斷攻研,以滿足客戶的不斷需求。 |
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